Lifespan Vs. Healthspan: Why Living Better Matters More Than Living Longer
The pursuit of longevity has been a cornerstone of human aspiration for centuries. People want to live long, productive lives, free from illness and physical limitations; makes sense. But what if the real goal isn’t solely about the number of years you live? Healthspan – a term defining the years lived in good health – […]
How EMFs Can Jeopardize Men’s Heart Health
These days, men are constantly surrounded by devices emitting electromagnetic fields (EMFs). From smartphones and Wi-Fi routers to workplace equipment, the exposure is nearly unavoidable. While most people focus on the convenience technology brings, fewer consider its potential effects on their health – particularly on cardiovascular health. Heart disease has long held its place as […]
The Salt Fix: The Simple Truth About Why Salt Isn’t Bad
For decades, salt has been demonized as one of the biggest villains in our diets. “Watch your sodium,” “Cut back on salt,” and “Too much salt will raise your blood pressure” are phrases we’ve heard countless times from doctors, dieticians, family members, and public health officials. But what if I told you that salt isn’t […]
The Male Sedation Hypothesis: What You Need To Know
The world is rapidly changing, and so are the men who live in it. But change is good, right? Sometimes, but not when it’s at the cost of our ability to live fully. There is a concept gaining traction in health and wellness spaces that has been dubbed “the male sedation hypothesis”. This theory posits […]
Tech Health: Why Manual Meters Are Better For Your Home
Smart meters are increasingly becoming the norm in many homes. These devices are marketed as a modern solution to monitor energy use efficiently, providing real-time data for utility companies and customers alike. But like many advancements that promise convenience, there are costs to smart meters that deserve your attention – one that may put your […]
Strange But True: Stress Can Make You Fat
When you think of stress, you might picture sleepless nights, a pounding migraine, or maybe a short temper. What you might not realize is that stress could also be padding your waistline. Yes, it may seem counterintuitive, but chronic stress can make you fat. How? Cortisol. Cortisol has many regulatory functions in the body and […]